Breaking Silos: Aligning Church Leaders, Staff & Boards | S02.E08
This episode focuses on the topic of alignment in church staff and governance boards. Erin and Doug discuss signs of misalignment, practical steps for achieving alignment, and the benefits that come from being aligned. They also share stories of both epic fails and success stories related to alignment. The episode concludes with a discussion on the first steps church leaders can take towards greater alignment, including leading effective meetings.
Thanks for listening to this episode of the Intentional Churches podcast! Learn more at: Chapters:
(00:00) Signs of Misalignment
(01:12) Alignment in Church Staff and Governance Boards
(08:43) Creating a Shared True North
(09:29) DNA Statements and Values
(11:54) Corporate Discernment
(13:45) Benefits of Alignment
(19:47) First Steps Towards Alignment
(20:41) Leading Great Meetings